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​At the Alehouse we host lots of events, everything from Comedy to Quizes. They vary monthly, and some moths there's more than others. The best place always to check for the most up to date information is our Facebook page which we update almost daily with the latest goings on in the Alehouse. 
Comedy Night

We are lucky enough to host Ace Lucky Comedy at the Alehouse every few months on a Wednesday. We usually aim for a Spring and Summer event, and then a Halloween & Christmas event. Tickets sell out very quickly as we only have around 40 seats. Check our Facebook for when tickets go live.

Stitch 'N' Bitch

On the third Tuesday of every month between 7 & 9pm you can bring along your latest craft project and enjoy a delicious drink in other crafters company. Kat actually brings her own craft every Tuesday & Wednesday so if you can't make one of our main events, your'll never be crafting alone

Sunday Cheese

Every Sunday we host a free cheeseboard. If you can bring something with you to share it's always appreciated. A wonderful selection of cheese, meats and crackers every week, all accompanied by the perfect tipple. 12-3pm every week

Food Pop-Ups

We regularly like to host the very best in street food popups outside our little Alehouse to bring a little extra variety to Fareham's West Street. Previous PopUps have included Oishi Buns, Politco Loco & Piecaramba to name a few! We host them as often as we can but on a very irregular schedule - Please see our Facebook for all news regarding PopUps

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